don’t dismiss wedding volume one

July 11, 2010 § Leave a comment

our very first wedding album celebrates its 5th birthday. although we have since developed six other albums, including baby, holiday, bar/bat one, bar/bat bacara, wedding volume 2 & now classic wedding, wedding volume one is still going strong. some of our most popular styles come from this very first album. barcelona has always been a crowd favorite and is today still our most ordered invitation style. barcelona’s clean and classic design can be adapted to suit any personality.

coronado is another one of our favorite designs. with its clean typography and elegant floral motif it is the perfect choice for a classic wedding.

because all of our invitations are completely customizable, the possibilities are truly endless. if you can imagine it, it can be done. so for those of you that have wedding volume one tucked away somewhere, please pull it out, dust it off, and take a moment to revisit our premiere album…you might just fall in love all over again.

all the best ~ theresa

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